James Serole MPHAHLELE

James MPHAHLELE - Dialoga portfolio - Part 11

"Blanketed on their mats", 1987 - masonite print on paper - ed. A/P - Image 31x105 cm

PELMAMA Register AAMC JMPH 87/11



Back at the Chief's Kraal, the young men are seated blanketed on their mats to protect themselves from the cold. Men and women surround the Kraal and are seen drinking. The Closing Ceremony is a respectful event amongst the Bapedi.


This work exhibited:

Johannesburg Art Gallery, Johannesburg 1990 (Vita Art Now 1989)

Galerie der Kulturstiftung, Unterseen / Interlaken - 1995/96

Galerie Rosengarten, Thun (Kreuz + Quer) - 1996

Artimex Fine Arts, Basel - 1997/98


Work illustrated:

Invitation card "James Mphahlele", Gallery 21 Johannesburg - February, 1989

Sowetan, Johannesburg - 25th April, 1990, ill.


© The Haenggi Foundation Inc., Johannesburg/Basel

This page last updated 4th January, 2015

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